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Hiring a Reliable Drug Defense Attorney

Hiring a Reliable Drug Defense Attorney

If you are facing a drug charge in North Carolina, you should hire a reliable drug defense attorney. The penalties for drug offenses in North Carolina are extremely harsh and hiring an expert attorney can save you time and money. You should also read reviews about a drug lawyer before hiring one.

Classification Of Controlled Substances

Classification of controlled substances is a complicated undertaking. It is best left to an experienced drug defense attorney. This is because the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has the power to place a substance in a specific schedule. It also has the authority to change its mind if it believes a newer and more effective schedule is warranted.

A class III drug is a narcotic, though not as physically addictive as its predecessor. A class V drug has the least amount of abuse potential. The Drug Enforcement Administration has a lengthy list of drugs to investigate. In the end, the decision will likely be based on a blend of public health concerns and scientific research.

The CSA is a bit like the Single Convention. There are many resemblances between the two. For example, the CSA was modeled after the Single Convention, which is a global agreement that provides guidelines for the manufacture, marketing, and distribution of a number of drugs.

State And Federal Laws Governing Controlled Substances

Federal and state laws governing controlled substances require individuals to register and maintain accurate inventories and records. This information is used by the DEA to monitor manufacture, distribution, dispensing and export. It is also used to evaluate the abuse of a substance.

The Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 was enacted by Pub. L. 111-273 on October 12, 2010. It is designed to protect the public from the diversion of controlled substances. It authorizes law enforcement to conduct take-back events and regulates mail-back programs. It also expanded the options for collecting controlled substances from ultimate users.

Controlled substances are placed in one of five schedules. They are classified according to their level of abuse, dependence liability and potential for public health risk. This classification process is based on currently accepted medical use and international treaties.

Penalties For Drug Offenses In North Carolina

The penalty for drug offenses in North Carolina varies based on the type of drug involved. The amount of drug is also a factor.

First time drug offenses usually carry a misdemeanor charge, whereas a second or third offense can be a felony. A felony may be accompanied by jail time, fines and probation.

A drug offense can have severe consequences for a person’s life. A conviction can make it difficult to obtain employment, housing and student loans. Additionally, a convicted felon is often denied the right to live in certain apartment complexes. If you are facing a drug charge, you should contact an experienced criminal lawyer in Raleigh. He can help you negotiate reduced charges or dismissed charges.

Drug trafficking is a felony in North Carolina. Trafficking convictions can result in mandatory minimum sentences. These penalties are increased if the defendant has a prior drug conviction.

Cost Of Hiring A Drug Defense Attorney

The cost of hiring a criminal defense attorney varies significantly from state to state and area to area. In the Midwest, the average attorney charges $200-$300 an hour. A skilled and experienced attorney will charge a higher fee. In addition to his or her fees, you may also have to pay for court costs.

The legal costs of a criminal case can double or triple if your case goes to trial. This is why it is important to hire a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. It is also a good idea to hire a criminal defense attorney with a good track record. You want to hire an attorney who will go to all lengths to defend you.

The cost of a criminal defense attorney is determined by his or her experience and practice areas. Some attorneys may require a retainer. Others will offer a free initial consultation.

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